Editing & Revisions
Your document will be edited and revised at the sentence, paragraph, and/or whole document level. for spelling, grammar, punctuation and word choice. Errors and mistakes will be corrected and/or suggested.
All services include a report
You can select for multiple services or packages
Organizing the content quality, clarity, and style. Chance sentence structure and construction and phrasing, checks for grammar and spelling errors, improves flow and coherency of writing.
Line Editing
Includes focus on sentence and scene flow, point of view, pacing, redundancy, repetition, dialogue, transitions, word choice, scene and chapter lengths, and inconsistencies. Organizing the content quality, clarity, and style. Chance sentence structure and construction and phrasing, checks for grammar and spelling errors, improves flow and coherency of writing.
​Focuses on ensuring no errors. Includes focus on clearness of writing, syntax, and readability.​​ We ensure your work improves in readability, and we prepare it for proofreading. We focus on writing clarity (passive or active voice, main idea and flow, jargon reduction), consistency (in formatting, terms, methods, and definition for voice), correctness (conflicting information), completeness (organization of document, ensuring no missing information is present), and conciseness (aim for valuable brevity in writing length, topic or ideas in a sentence, and reduction of wordiness). We will make changes at this stage.
Additional Information
You can select from 1 to 6 different combined services from the list.
You can also select for add-ons including:
1. Marked or unmarked
2. Additional to the written report, a short video report
3. Live video discussion about the review and report
4. Additional Tier Types

This is the final check for issues punctuation, formatting, one-page elements (numbers, subheaders, tables and charts), spelling, inconsistencies of all kinds, and word choice. We only make suggestions at this stage.
Your document will be revised at the sentence and paragraph levels, and entire writing work. We focus on the arguments, organization, voice, supportive information and ideas and character analysis. We will state the strengths and weaknesses in those areas with suggestions for improvement. Feedback will include commentary and questions.
Your document will be reviewed for rhetoric quality. With editing and revisions, our review will focus on persuasiveness. We will review the structure and quality of repetition, parallelism, and metaphors, and ethos (authority or reputation), pathos (emotional appeal), and logos (reasoning or logic). ​​